Daily Archives: December 17, 2015

Wife, Mistress, and Sonic

The Doctor has a lot of strong women in his life. One has just left his life, while another is returning in this year’s Christmas special. He is utterly committed to both Clara Oswald and River Song, but who does he love more? 

The Wife or the Mistress? 🙂

Q to Peter: Who do you prefer, Clara or River? Peter: Clara is a very special friend… But my wife is my wife!— Doctor Who Official (@bbcdoctorwho) December 16, 2015

Awww. Nicely sidestepped, Doc. (Radio Times) 🙂


Rubbertoe Replicas produce some of the finest props in the Whoniverse, with their popular replica range including Captain Jack Harkness’ Vortex Manipulator, Flatline‘s Siege Mode TARDIS, and the cubes from The Power of Three (2013). But they’re perhaps best-known for their stunning sonic screwdrivers.

And Hell Bent gave us a brand new one. It’s all flashy and bright, and we don’t get a proper look at it until Christmas Day when it’ll appear (opposite River’s sonic trowel) in The Husbands of River Song. Fortunately, we don’t have to wait another week (and a bit) to see it in all its glory because Rubbertoe has treated us to a special glimpse.

Rubbertoe sonic screwdriver

We’ve seen it in blue, but is that… green we can see too?

The new sonic screwdriver is expected to be available from Rubbertoe early 2016.

Expect extreme Expense though.